Google+ Hot chorizo pizza |Forget dieting forever

Our recipes and tips for cooking from scratch. Find out how we lost weight too.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Hot chorizo pizza

spicy pizza We fancied something simple and tasty but less rich than some of the dishes in the previous week. Pizza seemed to be the obvious choice! So we made this HOT & SPICY CHORIZO PIZZA. Add your own toppings and create something you will enjoy!
It's strange - but making pizza at this time of year seems to be becoming a tradition! Take a look at our pizza recipes and you'll see we began making them this time last year.
Each time we make pizza we improve slightly - so why not start making your own? Here's an internal link to a  GREAT PIZZA recipe and tips on how we've achieved successful results.
Even this time around we found the pizza dough resulted in a lovely chewy texture. All we did was leave the dough to rise for even longer than last time - about 4 hours in total. We also believe part of the secret to a good pizza is using the correct flour - a very strong bread flour.
Well, the picture shows a whole 700 calorie pizza - which we shared…..
So each portion was around 350 calories - not bad for a great tasting meal.
REMEMBER:  - Do you know how many calories you are allowed each day?
Here's a link to our very first blog post about our weight loss journey, which we began in January 2011. We started this blog as a way of recording what we ate while losing weight. The blog is a food diary, and contains lots of recipes, tips and ideas about losing weight.
You'll find our WEIGHT LOSS PLAN here. 
Copyright © forget dieting forever (2014), all rights reserved. Please do not copy any of this material without my express permission.

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