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Wednesday 2 January 2013

Great start...

When following our unique weight loss method, we usually have 4 'good' days followed by 3 days when we eat a FULL calorie allowance. We usually start our 'good' days on Monday, but, with all the festivities going on, this is our first good day of the week! The point being - that's life, and our method is flexible enough to take that into account.
I made this wonderfully warm and tasty carrot and red lentil soup. It really was delicious - especially with the cheese sandwiches. If you don't like this sort of soup, then choose one you DO like - and ENJOY eating it. If you don't have time to make soup, then buy a good one - just find out how many calories it contains and work it into your daily allowance. My lunch was around 450 calories - that's the soup AND the cheese sandwich. Remember, eating food you don't like could end up sending you to the cupboard and finding something you do like to eat anyway. Isn't it better to begin by eating food you love?
On a good day, I aim to eat around 1500 calories and my other half aims to eat 2000 calories. We certainly don't starve or aim to go lower than that because we feel eating too little can stress the body. Hopefully, weather permitting, we'll factor in a small walk which will allow us to eat more!

If you would like to know more about how we have achieved our huge weight loss eating all this wonderful food - see OUR UNIQUE METHOD.
Copyright © (c)forgetdietingforever 2012, all rights reserved.

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